Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quick Fundraising Ideas for Schools This Year

Quick Fundraising Ideas for Schools This Year by Thomas Franks


Are you searching for quick fundraising ideas for the new school year? There are literally thousands of different fundraiser programs your school can do this year, but many of them take a lot of work. Most people are busy these days, and they do not have time to get involved in school fundraisers and other activities. Our society is busier than ever, and that means we need everything to be quick and easy!
Look at the foods that are served at the grocery store. There are freezers full of microwavable dinners that can be served in just a few minutes. Look at how technology has changed the internet. No one wants to wait for a YouTube video to load! We want everything to happen instantly! We get upset when we have to wait 15 minutes in the drive-thru line.

The same principle applies for most aspects of our lives. Parents want quick fundraising ideas that aren't going to consume their lives or their kids' lives. Here are some fast fundraisers you can setup that won't consume your whole life!
Popcorn Fundraiser
Kids love popcorn. Adults love popcorn too. Everyone loves popcorn! Popcorn fundraisers do well because virtually everyone likes popcorn. You can get permission to setup a table outside a major retail store where you can sell popcorn to people who are coming or leaving the store. Weekends are the best time of the week to run this type of fundraiser.

Cheerleader Fundraisers
There are lots of different fundraisers you can run with cheerleader squads. You could do an eco-friendly fundraiser where you sell environmentally friendly products. The Jamba Juice fundraiser is popular with many cheerleader teams. You could also sell custom silicone bracelets, and then there are many seasonal fundraising ideas you could explore too.

Pizza Hut Fundraisers
This is another one of the quick fundraising ideas that many parents love doing with the schools. Most kids love pizza, so they will get very excited about Pizza Hut fundraising. You could sell discount cards in front of a grocery store with the manager's permission, or you could advertise somewhere else to try to get the best deals.

Candy Bar Fundraisers
Most everyone likes chocolate, so this is one of the popular quick fundraising ideas you can explore at your school. You simply give out all of the candy bars, and then you have the students sell the candy bars.

Discount Card Fundraisers
In my opinion, of all of the quick fundraising ideas out there today, this is probably one of the best ideas I have seen. The way these fundraising ideas work is that you sell a discount card where you get discounts on purchases at all of the major discount stores. The cards are great because they pay for themselves in just a few short visits, so consumers wind up saving money on products they would have already purchased. Consumers also love these cards because they get to raise money for their schools too without making any major investments in their budget.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Everyone Wants To Find Different Fundraiser

Everyone Wants To Find Different Fundraiser Ideas by Peter Crump


Finding new fundraiser ideas is a full time job because everyone wants to come up with something new in fundraising. They want people to sit up and take notice and of course contribute to the cause. There are different types of fundraiser ideas you can come up with through different kinds of software. Quite often the fund raising committee spends a lot of time debating the merits of different ideas and finding ways to make them a reality.
Each fundraiser idea that a committee develops is a part of a fund raising event and often needs a lot of work. A fund raising committee starts with an idea and then has to put a lot of effort into planning an event that will draw in crowds of people to purchase a product or play a game.
A typical fundraising event is a bake sale or a car wash. While they are good fundraiser ideas, they are also a bit old-fashioned and people today are always on the look out for unique fund raising ideas. Every organization has to rely on fundraising for the bulk of its operating capital. In any one town, there are several organizations competing for the money that people have to spend on fundraising. This is why they spend a lot of time trying to come up with original ideas.
Since everyone has to eat and they don�t like to cook, a take out supper always seems to be a great fund raiser idea. Whether you have a cold plate or a hot supper, as long as the committee can deliver the supper, people always want to support the fundraising event. With this type of fund raising idea, when you have a lot of volunteers to donate and cook the food, you will realize a good profit. However, the work of getting this kind of idea to work well for you, there is a lot of preparatory work by making phone calls to get the orders.
Fundraiser ideas include all kinds of sales of everything from pens to cookies. Christmas is a popular time of year to host a fund raising event because people are always looking for gift ideas for family and friends. Every organization is out and about at this time of year with ticket sweeps, flea markets and games of fun and chance. If you have a unique fundraiser idea, why don�t you pass it along to a volunteer that you know?
You need to put a lot of thought into it when looking for fundraiser ideas